Affiliate Disclaimer

This page describes how the project to supports itself.

First and foremost, transparency and honesty are two values that are extremely important to me.
Our goal is to bring value to your lives by offering helpful and informative content. This project exists as a service to help you and the public at large in these interesting times. That said, we use affiliate links to help defray costs incurred to research, validate, and present this subject matter to you.

What are Affiliate Links?

Some products on this site and links off-site may earn me a commission on a purchase. This type of compensation does not add to the purchase price. The links to some products, referred to as Affiliate Links, are for your convenience and sources of additional information. Affiliate links are identified as such – this is not only required by law; it is the right thing to do.


If you end up buying something, your patronage is much appreciated. I hope you never feel like I am trying to sell you something – If that's ever the case, please let me know.

If you have questions, I will do my best to answer them.

John Schiff